Video Analysis

Projects with VCA need to show a return on investment (RoI). Installers and manufacturers have to manage the customer’s expectations, and deal with any problem of high false alarm rates. There has to be ease of installation. These were the issues highlighted at the IMS Research conference a year before, Alastair Hayfield of the market research firm said.

What has changed? There’s been some progress in educating the security industry about VCA, he said: “We think in general installers and integrators are better informed about what the technology can do, and the advantages and disadvantages.” The VCA sector has shown, he went on, that real-world problems can be solved by such software, giving a genuine RoI. As for managing expectations, he admitted the early years of the product had seen hype; but there was progress there, too.

Vendor stability
However as for vendor stability – something the customer would want to see – VCA companies like any others have found the last year or two difficult; and it’s several years since VCA vendors received European Union funding. And false alarms remain a problem, when systems have not been configured properly. Nor, he suggested, has the last couple of years seen major advances in the technology.

So, you might wonder, why a two-day conference in London devoted to VCA, at the same venue (Paddington Hilton) that the conference ran in four years ago? In a word, the potential world market for VCA. While 2009 saw no real development over 2008, and 2010 is forecast to be pretty slow for growth, as the economy picks up the researchers expect to see VCA sector growth return, though for the foreseeable next few years fairly few CCTV devices may feature VCA.

IMS has tracked 1000 tenders around Europe and North American in the last six months, and only about one per cent were requesting VCA at an early stage. (Some of the other 99 per cent may go on to use it, as Alastair Hayfield pointed out.)

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